Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.
Science 7-10 provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real-world problems. Science emphasises the skills for working scientifically, as well as critical and creative thinking to address scientific issues.
In Years 11 and 12, students can choose from different science disciplines, including:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth and Environmental Science
- Investigating Science
- Physics.
In Year 12, students who are studying at least one other science subject may also choose to study Science Extension.

A) Science Overview
To be able to think scientifically and know how to apply this critically to life's challenges is an essential skill for all students if they are to become innovative and industrious citizens, parents, and leaders. Science education matters!
B) Descriptors Of Courses Stage 4, 5 And 6
Science: Year 7 – 10 Science provides a logical view about our world. It has led to an evolving body of knowledge organised as an interrelated set of models, theories, laws, systems, structures and interactions. It is through this body of knowledge that science provides explanations for a variety of phenomena and enables sense to be made of the biological, physical and technological world. An understanding of science and its social and cultural contexts provides a basis for future choices and ethical decisions about local and global applications and implications of science.

Science: Year 11 – 12
Biology provides students with a contemporary and coherent understanding of the concepts explaining the functioning, origins and evolution of living things.
This course explores the levels of organisation of life, from the molecular level through cellular to higher levels of organisational structure and function, which exhibit evolution as a common source of unity and diversity. It includes developing an understanding of the interactions within and between organisms and between organisms and their environment.
The study of biology recognises that, while humans are part of nature, they continue to have a greater influence on the environment than any other species. The history and philosophy of science, as it relates to the development of the understanding, utilisation and manipulation of living systems by the human species, is an integral part of the study of contemporary biology and assists students to recognise their responsibility to conserve, protect, maintain and improve the quality of all environments for future generations.
Chemistry provides students with a contemporary and coherent understanding of matter and its interactions. It focuses on investigating the physical and chemical properties of substances, chemical reactions and processes, and the interaction of energy and matter, and attempts to explain and predict events at the atomic and molecular level.
The study of Chemistry recognises that a study of the nature of materials includes natural and made substances, their structures, changes and environmental importance. The history and philosophy of science as it relates to the development of the understanding, utilisation and manipulation of chemical systems is important in developing current understanding in Chemistry and its applications in the contexts of technology, society and the environment.
Physics provides students with a contemporary and coherent understanding of energy, matter, and their interrelationships. It focuses on investigating natural phenomena and then applying patterns, models, principles, theories and laws to explain the physical behaviour of the universe. It uses an understanding of simple systems to make predictions about a range of objects from sub-atomic particles to the entire universe and aims to reveal the simplicity underlying complexity.
The study of physics relies on the understanding and application of a small number of basic laws and principles that govern the microscopic and macroscopic worlds. The study of physics provides students with an understanding of systems that is the basis of the development of technological applications. The interplay between concepts and technological and societal impacts is embodied in the history and philosophy of science and forms a continuum relating our past to our future.
Senior Science
The study of Senior Science provides students with a contemporary and coherent understanding of some of the basic laws, theories and principles of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth and Environmental Science and their application. It includes an examination of the technology that uses these laws, theories and principles and the impact of this science and technology on society. It reflects the interdisciplinary nature of science with a focus on the interdependence of science, technology and society.
Senior Science caters to a wide range of students who wish to become scientifically literate citizens providing and is suited for students who have achieved elementary to substantial achievement level in the School Certificate Science. The course encourages students to develop a range of practical skills including the use of current instrumentation, information technology and an increased ability to communicate understanding. Senior Science focuses on all of these areas framed within the principles of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth and Environmental Science.
C) Fees And Costs
All Science courses are offered free of cost to all students.
D) Faculty Staff List
Head Teacher : Dr Ken Silburn
Faculty Staff:
Mr H. Ali
Miss K. Chan
Mrs N. Sami
Mrs E. Signorini
Mrs V. Sivapalan
E) Extension and opportunities
Students studying science are fortunate to be given many opportunities to participate in activities outside of the normal classroom that recognise our citizenship and help the environment. All year 8 students participate in a program involving our Agriculture and Sustainability Centre.

Environment Issues
Students have the opportunity to become actively involved in environmental issues. At the school level this includes participation in the school's environment committee and recycling initiatives. Due to the schools history of participation in regional activities, our school is often approached to assist with the collection of real science data required for environmental and water quality control projects.